– Several properties belonging to the Frelimo elite were targeted amid protests
By Ricardo Dias
Maputo (MOZTIMES)—The Mayor of Manhiça, in Maputo province, Luís Munguambe, has informed the press that protesters set fire to his personal residence on Wednesday.
According to the mayor, the events began following disturbances linked to the alleged abduction of a young man, presumably by the police, in the Palmeiras area.
The abduction of young people or individuals associated with the leadership of post-election protests or the opposition is a common practice in Mozambique. Often, those abducted are found dead after forced disappearances.
“I was at work when I heard loud noises from the police. I looked out and saw that tyres were being burned by the roadside along National Road Number 1 (EN1). I received information that a young man had been abducted, but I didn’t have many details,” the mayor said in an audio message broadcast by the private television channel STV.
“I heard gunshots and assumed it was tear gas, so I didn’t go near. Shortly afterwards, I learned that my house was being vandalised. They were destroying it, distributing the belongings inside, and then they set it on fire,” he recounted.
Amid the post-election protests, several properties and assets belonging to the country’s political elite were targeted by vandalism and arson.
In Habel Jafar neighbourhood, in Marracuene district, a middle-class private school believed to be owned by Bernardino Rafael, the former chief of Police, was vandalised, looted, and set on fire.
A private residence and an event hall belonging to former Foreign Minister Verónica Macamo, located in the municipalities of Matola and Macia, respectively, were damaged.
The Sol Hotel in the northern port city of Nacala, reportedly owned by the then President, Filipe Nyusi, was also vandalised, looted, and set on fire.
Also in Nacala, an educational institution said to belong to Margarida Talapa, the former Minister of Labour and current speaker of Parliament, was likewise vandalised, looted, and set on fire.
In Matutuíne district, in Maputo province, local residents invaded a farm owned by the family of former President Armando Guebuza and stole livestock, including chickens, ducks, and pigs. (RD)